Monthly Archives: February 2012

Release Day

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know my short story “A Watched Demon Always Boils” is out TODAY! Here’s the official blurb:

Lane is a professional photographer hired by Greg to do a photoshoot and magazine spread about his restaurant in hopes of making his business more profitable. Trouble is Greg’s got a demon on his back, literally. Now Lane is in a race against time to save Greg from the demon and convince him that Lane isn’t crazy, he wants to help Greg.

Take one stubborn chef, a determined photographer, mix in an evil demon and a slightly crazy best friend, and watch it come to a boil, every time.

You can find it Here

I’m guest blogging over at Lillian Francis’ site Here where I introduce you to Lane, one of my main characters, and he tells you the top ten things he loves about Greg.

I’m also hosting at the Torquere Livejournal today. You can find them Here. There will be fun character stuff and recipes from Greg’s recipe box. Stop by 😀

Thanks so much!




Welcome to my blog. It’s an evolving thing so I’m not too sure what all I’ll be talking about here besides my writing, the process, upcoming publications, maybe some free reads, maybe some contests, who knows. Guess we’ll all find out together. I’ll update this entry as things change.

Happy Reading!